Once you know exactly who wants your app, you’ll be able to pinpoint how to make their experience individualised. If you haven’t completed a user persona exercise, then this would be the perfect time to do so. It’s important you identify who they are, what their objectives are and what they need. They should be at the heart of every UX decision to ensure their journey is seamless. The key to a successful app is putting the customer first. By the end of this article, you’ll know the key do’s and don’ts to consider and the next move you should make to improve your own app’s UX.
To help combat this problem, we’ve created a brief guide to get you started on your UX journey. That’s a high price to pay, and can often be a result of poor UX. A MoEngage study found that users will typically uninstall an app within two weeks of its download. If your app’s UX doesn’t hit the bullseye, it’ll leave your customers feeling bored and uninspired.